Dental sealants provide protective coverage 24/7 to keep food bits and plaque from accumulating in the hard-to-reach areas in the back molars. They also shield the enamel. Sealants also prevent more severe oral health problems like root canals, the requirement of a dental crown, dental caries, etc.
They function by sealing fissures and pits in the teeth. Many health insurance providers cover the price of sealants. The price of four tooth sealants is near the price of one dental filling. Dental sealants develop when plastic-like liquid is sprinkled onto the biting tooth surface. The dentist applies dental sealants in Burlington, ON to the permanent molars. They set them in the mouth of children using UV light, usually between the ages of 5-7.
The pediatric dentist applies the sealants by drying the tooth of your kid. Now, the sealant material is put on the biting surface. After that, the dentist at Harbour View Dental puts a light above the tooth. It sets the sealant onto the surface of the tooth.
Every child is different. There is no set age when the child should get dental sealants. Sealants shield their teeth between the 6-14 age groups (when the teeth are more prone to cavities). It is essential to get sealant for the sensitive teeth of your kids as soon as their adult teeth develop. So, not every kid requires it. It’s because their teeth are not at risk of tooth decay. Only a dentist can help you determine if your little one needs sealants.
In a few cases, sealants are appropriate for the baby’s teeth. The dentists use sealants on primary teeth only when the kid can bear the pain. The process involves being able to hold the mouth open for a few minutes. It’s when they have in-depth depressions or grooves. As you know, baby teeth play a vital role in holding the appropriate space so that the permanent teeth fit appropriately.
Keeping them healthy will prevent your little one from losing teeth early. A sealant will fill the in-depth grooves on the kid’s teeth that are tough to clean while brushing. The time when the first permanent molars of your little one erupt, ask your dental professional about dental sealants. The expert also applies another sealant set when your kid gets a second permanent molar set.
Sealants are like raincoats for the teeth. They coat the pits and fissures that catch food and increase the growth of bacteria. When the bacteria-causing cavities come in contact with leftover food bits in the mouth, they start producing acids. This forms holes in teeth. When the dentist applies the dental sealant, they stop the formation of bacteria and also acid from accumulating on the teeth.
Teens and children are the perfect candidates for dental sealants. It’s because they are prone to decay in the crannies and nooks of premolar and molar teeth.
The first molars develop at the age of 6. However, the second molars occur at around 12. Sealing the teeth as soon as they erupt can help you keep the teeth of your little one free of cavities. It allows you to save money and time in the long run. Remember, both adults and kids can take advantage of dental sealants.
As we age, we get prone to decay. The biochemistry and protective properties of saliva change with some medicines with time. Dental professionals can use sealants over regions of early decay. They are clear. It allows the dentist to observe how it’s working.
Dental sealants are the most non-invasive dental treatment. They help to prevent further tooth damage. They require proper monitoring and maintenance to ensure they do not get wear and tear.
Remember, even if your kids get sealants, they still require routine dental cleanings, X-rays, checkups, and fluoride treatments. Although your kid does flossing and brushing teeth daily, they could be leaving behind a plaque on the back teeth.
Sealants do not just protect the areas of back teeth but also the sealant material responds well when using mouthwashes containing antibacterial properties. It eliminates any leftover partials that continue to develop plaque.